Rules & Poker Questions Answered
Here you will find many questions and answers on Poker Rules
and how to play Texas Hold'em and other Poker Games. If you want to learn
Poker Terms Click Here
Hold'em poker (also known as Texas Hold'em) is the most popular poker game
in the world. In Hold'em, players get two down cards and five community cards
(which are face-up in the middle of the table). Your hand is determined by
using the best five of those seven cards (in any combination) and the best
hand wins the pot.
Omaha High (Omaha) is very similar to Hold'em, but has a greater variety of
possibilities thereby making for some extremely exciting games. Omaha is a
community card game played the same as Hold'em with the following two exceptions:
Each player receives four face-down cards (pocket cards) to start and at the
showdown each player must use two of their four pocket cards and combine them
with exactly 3 board cards. At the showdown players MUST use exactly two of
their pocket cards and three board cards.
8 or Better
Omaha (8 or Better) is also sometimes known as Omaha High-Low or Omaha Hi-Lo.
It is played like the high version of Omaha, except at the showdown the pot
is split between the holder of the highest hand and the holder of the lowest
qualifying hand. In Omaha (8 or Better), if you do not have two cards 8 or
lower among your four down cards, you cannot qualify for low. If three or
more cards 8 or lower do not end up among the five community cards, no low
is possible. In that case, the pot will not be split (unless two hands tie
for high).
Wild Poker
Deuces Wild is a version of Video Poker, all deuces are treated as wild cards.
This means that whenever you get a 2, you can use that card as any card you
like. You can therefore change it's face value and/or suit to work with the
hand you have. With Deuces Wild, you have a far better chance of getting good
hands. The casino compensates for this by offering a tighter payout schedule.
You only get paid with a three of a kind or better.
Gow Poker
Pai Gow Poker combines elements of the ancient Chinese game of Pai Gow and
the American game of Poker. The game is played with a traditional deck of
52 playing cards plus on Joker. The Joker can be used only as an Ace or to
complete a Straight, a Flush, a Straight Flush or a Royal Flush.
Or Better
This is a game of draw poker. The dealer will deal you five cards face up.
At this point you should decide which cards to keep and which ones to throw.
To keep a card just click on the card you want to keep or on the hold button
below it. Once you are finished picking the cards to be discarded click on
the deal button and the dealer will deal your new cards. Depending on how
many cards you throw, the same number of new cards will be dealt back into
your hand so you end up with five. Whether you win or lose is determined by
how good a poker hand you have.
Caribbean poker - The Progressive (a five card hand that is a flush or better)
The second game that is going on inside the regular one is the progressive
game. This game is an optional side game added the regular table game. This
game is implemented and resolved every hand. The player makes the decision
to play the progressive at the beginning of each hand. Then the benefits for
getting a progressive hand are only valid if the player paid for the progressive
at the beginning of that hand.
are poker rules for Texas Hold’em, possibly the most popular poker game
played around the world!
The basic poker rules of Texas Hold’em are the same across most poker
rooms, both online and in traditional casino settings. Players in this game
get 2 cards each, and 5 more are dealt to the table which everyone can use
as part of his hand. The poker rules call for 5 rounds of betting.
Generally, Texas Hold’em is played with anywhere from two to ten players.
It is usually played with 2 blinds, which means the first 2 players to the
left of the dealer must post small forced bets -- called “blinds”
-- to start the pot. These bets are posted before the players receive any
cards, which is why they are called “blind” bets. Habitually the
1st blind is called the Small or Little Blind, and his forced bet is equal
to ½ of the minimum bet for that table. The 2nd blind, called the Big
Blind, bets the minimum bet. In live games there may be one blind, multiple
blinds, or none (players each paying an ante, instead), but online poker rules
use 2 blinds.
Each player is first dealt two cards face down, after which the first betting
round ensues. Poker rules call for the action to move in a clockwise direction
from the dealer’s position. The first person to make a bet is the person
sitting on the left hand side of the dealer. Each player (after the blinds,
that is) makes a bet based on what kind of hand he expects to be able to form
with these two, plus the community cards showing up later.
Next, the first three community cards are dealt. This is referred to the “flop” since they are dealt all at once. These cards are dealt face up so that everyone may apply them to his hand. Each player now makes another bet, which is based on how these three community cards affect his hand. The dealing of a community card, then a betting round following each card continues until five community cards are in the middle of the table and each active player has bet twice more.
It is now time for the showdown. Each player tries to make the best five-card hand possible from the seven cards that he sees. Texas Hold’em poker rules dictate that a player may use both of his hole cards, one, or none to make his final hand. To use only the community cards as your hand is called “playing the board.”
The ranks of poker hands are standardized today but it wasn't always like that. Gone are the days when a poker player could make a skip, blaze or a tiger or any number of other exotic poker hands. Poker hands are ranked the way they are today because it's based on one cold, hard fact: the exact odds of being dealt that hard in exactly five cards. The more difficult it is to receive a certain five card hand, the higher it's ranked on the scale of poker hands.
One important point to make here is that a poker hand is determined by using only five cards regardless of how many you're dealt, how many cards you have to choose from or exactly which style or game of poker you're playing. Also, there is no such thing as any one suit taking precedence over another suit as in some bidding or trump card games. A royal flush in hearts is no higher or lower a poker hand than a royal flush in spades.
Remember to use all the cards on the board, especially when you make two pair. If you have A of hearts, 6 of hearts and the board is A of Clubs, J of Diamonds, J of Hearts, T of Spades, 4 of Diamonds, you're not beat just because your opponent has A of spades, 9 of spades. You both have Aces and Jacks with a Ten kicker.
Poker Hands Ranked in Order of Power
Royal Flush: A, K, Q, J,T of the same suit. There are only four of these possible, one for each suit.
Straight Flush: A hand that has five cards of the same suit in sequence.
4 of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank. The fifth card is irrelevant unless, in Hold'em, the community cards show the four of a kind.
Full House: Three of a kind and one pair. The three of a kind determines the highest full house in the event there is more than one full house in a hand.
Flush: Five cards of the same suit that do not make a straight flush.
Straight: Five cards in sequence but not of the same suit.
3 of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank
2 Pair: Two different pair with one odd card.
1 Pair: One pair with three odd card.
High Card: Five cards that cannot make any one of the above hands. In this case, the hand with the highest ranking card is the winner. Example of poker cards dealt, A-9-5-4-3 beats K-Q-9-5-4.
There are 2,598,960 ways to be dealt one particular poker hand in five cards. The following chart shows how it breaks down into all possible poker hands.
of Being Dealt Certain Poker Hands
Royal Flush 649,739 to 1
Straight Flush 64,973 to 1
Four of a Kind 4,164 to 1
Full House 693 to 1
Flush 508 to 1
Straight 254 to 1
Three of a Kind 46 to1
Two Pair 20 to 1
One Pair 1.25 to 1
The only poker game that these odds apply to directly is 5-Card Stud, a game where you're dealt exactly five cards with no opportunity to draw or otherwise exchange your cards. The exact odds of being dealt the above hands in 7-Card Stud and Texas Hold'em will vary of course, because you'll have seven cards with which to make your best five card hand. But that doesn't change the fact that the above list is the agreed upon convention and it applies to all forms of poker.
& Disputes
time you have a poker dealer dealing hands to players at the rate of 40 hands
per hour, there's bound to be a few mistakes. Some of the more common errors
are burning and turning the turn card before the action is complete, accidentally
exposing one of the blind's first cards, miscalling hands on the river and
pushing the pot to the wrong player.
Sometimes you'll look down and see AA - KK or AK and then hear the dealer say, "Bring 'em back" because of a misdeal. Keep in mind that those cards were never really yours to begin with because you would not have gotten them if the dealer hand dealt the hand correctly.
Mistakes and disputes are an integral part of the game of poker and you should stay calm and take it all in stride.
a player will be involved in a hand and run out of money to bet before the
hand is over. Since all casino poker games are table stakes only, you are
not allowed to put more money on the table in the middle of a hand. When you
run out of money and put your last dollar in the pot, you are said to be all-in
and you cannot win any more money than what is in the pot at this point.
As an example, lets say you have QJ in the pocket and you have $14 in checks in front of you at the beginning of the hand. You call $2 to see the flop, along with two other players. The flop is T94 and you bet $4 and are called by the same two players. There is now $18 in the pot. The turn is the 6 and you check and call with your last $8. There is now $42 in the pot and you are now out of money. That $42 pot is all you can win since you ran out of money at the point.
The dealer puts that pot aside and all future betting goes into a side pot that you cannot win any part of, since you cannot put money into it. The river card is the K, making you the nut straight. One of the other players in the hand bets$8 and is called by the other player, creating a side pot with $16 in it. The dealer asks to see only the two hands involved in the side pot (hold on to your cards and don't show them to the dealer until asked), and awards the side pot to the player who has the best of the two hands.
The dealer then
asks to see your hand to determine if you can bet the winner of the side pot.
Since you have the best hand you are awarded the main pot of $42. You in effect
got to play the river card for free (you don't have to fold when you're all
in) but you couldn't win any more money when you made the best hand.
What are the basic rules of poker? What are the hand rankings in More Detail..
A:P1 [Michael Maurer]
Most variants of poker satisfy the following definition, but in a home game
of course you are free to modify the rules as you see fit.
Poker is a card game in which players bet into a communal pot during the course of a hand, and in which the player holding the best hand at the end of the betting wins the pot. During a given betting round, each remaining player in turn may take one of four actions:
a bet of zero that does not forfeit interest in the pot
bet or raise, a nonzero bet greater than preceding bets that all successive
players must match or exceed or else forfeit all interest in the pot
call, a nonzero bet equal to a preceding bet that maintains a player's interest
in the pot
fold, a surrender of interest in the pot in response to another player's bet,
accompanied by the loss of one's cards and previous bets
Betting usually proceeds in a circle until each player has either called all
bets or folded. Different poker games have various numbers of betting rounds
interspersed with the receipt or replacement of cards.
Poker is usually played with a standard 4-suit 52-card deck, but a joker or other wild cards may be added. The ace normally plays high, but can sometimes play low, as explained below. At the showdown, those players still remaining compare their hands according to the following rankings:
flush, five cards of the same suit in sequence, such as 76543 of hearts. Ranked
by the top card, so that AKQJT is the best straight flush, also called a royal
flush. The ace can play low to make 5432A, the lowest straight flush.
Four of a kind, four cards of the same rank accompanied by a "kicker",
like 44442. Ranked by the quads, so that 44442 beats 3333K, and then ranked
by the side card, so that 4444A beats 4444K(*).
Full house, three cards of one rank accompanied by two of another, such as
777JJ. Ranked by the trips, so that 44422 beats 333AA, and then ranked by
the pair, so that 444AA beats 444KK(*).
Flush, five cards of the same suit, such as AJ942 of hearts. Ranked by the
top card, and then by the next card, so that AJ942 beats AJ876. Suits are
not used to break ties.
Straight, five cards in sequence, such as 76543. The ace plays either high
or low, making AKQJT and 5432A. "Around the corner" straights like
32AKQ are usually not allowed.
Three of a kind, three cards of the same rank and two kickers of different
ranks, such as KKK84. Ranked by the trips, so that KKK84 beats QQQAK, and
then ranked by the two kickers, so that QQQAK beats QQQA7(*).
Two pair, two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank and a kicker of
a third rank, such as KK449. Ranked by the top pair, then the bottom pair
and finally the kicker, so that KK449 beats any of QQJJA, KK22Q, and KK445.
One pair, two cards of one rank accompanied by three kickers of different
ranks, such as AAK53. Ranked by the pair, followed by each kicker in turn,
so that AAK53 beats AAK52.
High card, any hand that does not qualify as one of the better hands above,
such as KJ542 of mixed suits. Ranked by the top card, then the second card
and so on, as for flushes. Suits are not used to break ties.
(* Such match ups are only possible in games where there are wild cards or
where community cards are shared, such as Texas Hold'em.)
Suits are not used to break ties, nor are cards beyond the fifth; only the best five cards in each hand are used in the comparison. In the case of a tie, the pot is split equally among the winning hands.
Several variations are possible when playing for low. Some games permit the ace to play low and ignore straights and flushes, making 5432A the best possible low, even if it makes a straight flush. Other games just reverse the order used for high hands, making 75432 of mixed suits the best possible low. Still others count straights and flushes against you but let the ace play low, making 6432A best. Note that in most games in which the ace plays low, a pair of aces is lower than a pair of deuces, just as an ace is lower than a deuce.
When a joker is in play, it usually can only be used as an ace or to complete a straight or flush. It cannot be used as a true wild card, for example, as a queen to make QQ43X play as three queens. When playing for low, the joker becomes the lowest rank not already held, so 864AX is played as 8642A, with the joker used as a deuce.
Although true wild cards are rarely seen in a casino, they are a popular way to add excitement to a home game. Wild cards introduce an additional hand, five of a kind, which normally ranks above a straight flush. They can also cause confusion when two players hold the same hand composed of different wild card combinations. The standard rules of poker do not distinguish between such hands, but some players prefer to rank hands using fewer wild cards above less "natural" versions of the same hand.
How is Texas Hold'em played?
A:P3 [Michael Maurer]
Texas Hold'em is a "community card" game, meaning that some cards
are dealt face-up in the middle of the table and shared by all the players.
Each player has two down cards that are theirs alone, and combines them with
the five community cards to make the best possible five-card hand.
Play begins by dealing two cards face down to each player; these are known as "hole cards" or "pocket cards". This is followed by a round of betting. Most hold'em games get the betting started with one or two "blind bets" to the left of the dealer. These are forced bets which must be made before seeing one's cards. Play proceeds clockwise from the blinds, with each player free to fold, call the blind bet, or raise. Usually the blinds are "live", meaning that they may raise themselves when the action gets back around to them.
Now three cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table; this is called the "flop". A round of betting ensues, with action starting on the first blind, immediately to the dealers left. Another card is dealt face up (the "turn"), followed by another round of betting, again beginning to the dealer's left. Then the final card (the "river") is dealt followed by the final round of betting. In a structured-limit game, the bets on the turn and river are usually double the size of those before and on the flop.
The game is usually played for high only, and each player makes the best five-card combination to compete for the pot. Players usually use both their hole cards to make their best hand, but this is not required. A player may even choose to "play the board" and use no hole cards at all. Identical five-card hands split the pot; the sixth and seventh cards are not used to break ties.
player receives four hole cards, instead of two.
One must use *exactly* three community cards and two hole cards to make one's
The second difference is confusing for most beginners. These examples show
how it works.
Board Hole Cards Best High Hand
===== ========== ==============
As Kc Qc 8d 2d Ac 2c Jd Th Jd Th makes ace-hi straight.
As Kc Qc Jh Td Ac 2c Jd 8h Ac Jd makes ace-hi straight.
Kc Qc Jh Td 3c 2c Jd 8h Jd 8h makes pair of jacks. No straight
is possible using two hole cards.
As Ks 8h 9d 2s Qs 4h 4d 4s Qs 4s makes AKQ42 "nut" flush.
Ks 8s 9s 2s Qs 4h 4d Qd Qs Qd makes pair of queens. No flush is
possible using two hole cards.
As Ts 8s 8h 4d Td Tc Ad 9c Td Tc makes TTT88 full house.
As Ts 8s 8h 4d Td 8c Ad 9c Ad 8c makes 888AA full house.
Ac 8s 8h 4d Ah 2h 3h 5h Ah 5h makes trip aces AAA85. No full
house is possible using two hole cards.
Ac 8s 8h 4d Ah 2h 3h 4h Ah 4h makes full house AAA44.
Omaha is often played high/low, meaning that the highest and lowest hands
split the pot. The low hand usually must "qualify" by being at least
an 8-low (the largest card must be 8 or lower). One can use a different two
cards to compete for the high and low portions of the pot, and the game is
played "cards speak" rather than "declare". Aces are either
low or high, and straights and flushes don't count for low. Since everybody
must use two hole cards to make a hand, the board must have three cards 8
or lower for a low to even be possible. Players often tie for low, and the
low half of the pot is divided equally among them. Some more examples:
Board Hole Cards Best Low Hand
===== ========== =============
As Kc Qc 8d 2d 8c Jc Jd Th Jd Th makes the low hand JT82A, which
does not qualify as 8-or-better.
3d 5h 8d Tc Ts Ac 2c Jd Th Ac 2c makes the "nut low" 8532A.
3d 5h 8d Tc Ts Ac 3c 4d Th Ac 4d makes 8543A.
3d 5h 8d Ad Ts Ac 3c 5d 8h Any two make T853A, not qualifying.
Ac 2c 3d 4h 5s Ad 2d Th Td Ad 2d makes "nut low" 5432A.
Ac 2c 3d 4h 5s 4d 5d Th Td 4d 5d makes "nut low" 5432A.
7h 8d Ac 2c Ad 2d Th Td Ad 2d makes 8752A, but the nut low is
5432A with a 3 and 4. On the flop we
had the best possible low, but the turn
and river "counterfeited" us.
As in all split-pot games, the real goal of playing any hand is to win both
halves of the pot, or "scoop". Thus, hands that have a chance to
win both ways are far superior to those that can only win one way.
What should I expect the first time I play poker in a casino or card room?
What etiquette should I follow?
A:P5 [Michael Maurer]
Many people are intimidated on their first visit to a public card room. Knowing
what to expect and some simple rules of etiquette will help the first-time
visitor relax and have a good time.
Any card room. with more than a few tables will have a sign-up desk or board for the various games being played. Usually someone will be standing here to take your name if a seat is not immediately available. This person can explain what games are offered, the betting limits, special house rules and so on. This is the moment of your first decision: which game and for what stakes?
Choosing a game is fairly easy; you already know which game is most familiar to you. You may be surprised to find that your favorite home games are not spread in public card rooms. Most will offer one or more of Texas Hold'em, Seven-Card Stud, and Omaha Hold'em (usually hi/lo split, 8-or-better for low). Sometimes you will find California Lowball (5-card draw for low), Seven-Card Stud hi/lo, or Hold'em variations like Pineapple. You will rarely find High Draw (5-card draw for hi), and will never find home game pot-builders like Anaconda, Follow-the-Queen, 7-27 or Guts. Except for the joker in draw poker, card rooms. never use wild cards.
Choosing a betting limit is a bit harder. It is best to start playing at a limit so small that the money is not important to you. After all, with all the excitement of your first time playing poker there is no need to be worried about losing the nest egg to a table full of sharks. Betting limits are typically expressed as $1-$5 or $3-$6, and may be "spread-limit" or "structured-limit". A spread-limit means one can bet or raise any amount between the two numbers (although a raise must be at least as much as a previous bet or raise). For example, in $1-$5 spread-limit, if one person bets $2 the next person is free to call the $2 or raise $2, $3, $4, or $5, but cannot raise just $1. On the next round, everything is reset and the first bettor may bet anything from $1 to $5. In structured-limit like $3-$6 (usually recognizable by a factor of two between betting limits), all betting and raising on early rounds is in units of $3, and on later rounds is in units of $6. One only has a choice of *whether* to bet or raise; the amount is fixed by the limit. One usually doesn't have a choice between spread and structured betting at a given limit. Keep in mind that it is quite easy to win or lose 20 "big bets" (the large number in the limit) in an hour of play. Also, since your mind will be occupied with the mechanics of the game while the regular players consider strategy, you are more likely to lose than win. In other words: choose a low limit.
If the game you want is full, your name will go on a list and the person running the list will call you when a seat opens up. Depending on the card room., you may have trouble hearing your name called and they may be quick to pass you over, so be alert. Once a seat is available, the list person will vaguely direct you toward it, or toward a floor man who will show you where to sit.
Now is the time for you to take out your money and for the other players to look you over. A good choice for this "buy-in" is ten to twenty big bets, but you must buy-in for at least the posted table minimum, usually about five big bets. Most public poker games are played "table-stakes", which means that you can't reach into your pocket for more money during the play of a hand. It also means that you can't be forced out of a pot because of insufficient funds. If you run out of money during a hand you are still in the pot (the dealer will say you are "all-in"), but further betting is "on the side" for an additional pot you cannot win. Between hands, you are free to buy as many chips as you want, but are not allowed to take any chips off the table unless you are leaving. This final rule gives opponents a chance to win back what they have lost to you. If you bust out, you may buy back in for at least the table minimum or leave.
Once you have told the dealer how much money you are playing, the dealer may sell you chips right away or call over a chip runner to do so. You may want to tell the dealer that you are a first-time player. This is a signal to the dealer to give a little explanation when it is your turn to act, and to the other players to extend you a bit of courtesy when you slow down the game. Everyone will figure it out in a few minutes anyway, so don't be bashful. You may even ask to sit out a few hands just to see how it all works.
There are three ways that pots are seeded with money at the beginning of the hand. The most familiar to the home player is the "ante", where each player tosses a small amount into the pot for the right to be dealt a hand. The second way, often used in conjunction with an ante, is the "forced bring-in". For example, in seven-card stud, after everyone antes and is dealt the first three cards, the player with the lowest up card may be forced to bet to get things started. The third way, often used in games without up cards like Hold'em or Omaha, is a "forced blind bet". This is similar to the bring-in, but is always made by the person immediately after the player with the "button". The "button" is a plastic disk that moves around the table and indicates which player is acting as dealer for the hand (of course, the house dealer does the actual dealing of cards, but does not play). A second or even third blind may follow the first, usually of increasing size. Whichever seed method is used, note that this initial pot, small as it is, is the only reason to play at all.
If the game has blinds, the dealer may now ask you if you want to "post". This means, "do you want to pay extra to see a hand now, in bad position, and then pay the blinds, or are you willing to sit and watch for a few minutes?" Answer "no, I'll wait" and watch the game until the dealer tells you it's time to begin, usually after the blinds pass you.
Finally, it is your turn to get cards and play. Your first impression will probably be how fast the game seems to move. If you are playing stud, several up cards may be "mucked" (folded into the discards) before you even see them; if you are playing hold'em, it may be your turn to act before you have looked at your cards. After a few hands you should settle into the rhythm and be able to keep up. If you ever get confused, just ask the dealer what is going on.
When playing, consider the following elements of poker etiquette:
in Turn
Although you may see others fold or call out of turn, don't do it yourself.
It is considered rude because it gives an unfair advantage to the players
before you who have yet to act. This is especially important at the showdown
when only three players are left. If players after you are acting out of turn
while you decide what to do, say "Time!" to make it clear that you
have not yet acted.
You may find it awkward at first to peek at your own cards without exposing
them to others. Note that the other players have no formal obligation to alert
you to your clumsiness, although some will. Watch how the other players manage
it and emulate them. Leave your cards in sight at all times; holding them
in your lap or passing them to your kibitzing friend is grounds for killing
your hand. Finally, if you intentionally show your cards to another player
during the hand, both your hands may be declared dead. Your neighbor might
want to see *you* declared dead :) if this happens!
In a game with "pocket cards" like Hold'em or Omaha, it is your
responsibility to "protect your own cards". This confusing phrase
really means "put a chip on your cards". If your cards are just
sitting out in the open, you are subject to two possible disasters. First,
the dealer may scoop them up in a blink because to leave one's cards unprotected
is a signal that you are folding. Second, another player's cards may happen
to touch yours as they fold, disqualifying your hand and your interest in
the pot. Along the same lines, when you turn your cards face up at the showdown,
be careful not to lose control of your cards. If one of them falls off the
table or lands face-down among the discards your hand will be dead, even if
that card is not used to make your hand.
In some fast-paced games, a moment of inaction when it is your turn to act
may be interpreted as a check. Usually, a verbal declaration or rapping one's
hand on the table is required, but many players are impatient and will assume
your pause is a check. If you need more than a second to decide what to do,
call "Time!" to stop the action. While you decide, don't tap your
fingers nervously; that is a clear check signal and will be considered binding.
A "string bet" is a bet that initially looks like a call, but then
turns out to be a raise. Once your hand has put some chips out, you may not
go back to your stack to get more chips and increase the size of your bet,
unless you verbally declared the size of your bet at the beginning. If you
always declare "call" or "raise" as you bet, you will
be immune to this problem. Note that a verbal declaration in turn is binding,
so a verbal string bet is possible and also prohibited. That means you cannot
say "I call your $5, and raise you another $5!" Once you have said
you call, that's it. The rest of the sentence is irrelevant. You can't raise.
the Pot
In some home games, it is customary to throw chips directly into the pot.
In a public card room., this is cause for dirty looks, a reprimand from the
dealer, and possibly stopping the game to count down the pot. When you bet,
place your chips directly in front of you. The dealer will make sure that
you have the right number and sweep them into the pot.
Chip Rule
In some card rooms., the chip denominations and game stakes are incommensurate.
For example, a $3-$6 game might use $1 and $5 chips, instead of the more sensible
$3 chip. The one-chip rule says that using a large-denomination chip is just
a call, even though the chip may be big enough to cover a raise. If you don't
have exact change, it is best to verbally state your action when throwing
that large chip into the pot. For example, suppose you are playing in a $1-$5
spread-limit game, the bet is $2 to you, and you have only $5 chips. Silently
tossing a $5 chip out means you call the $2 bet. If you want to raise to $4
or $5, you must say so *before* your chip hits the felt. Whatever your action,
the dealer will make any required change at the end of the betting round.
Don't make change for yourself out of the pot.
In a game like Hold'em, it is possible to know that you hold "the nuts"
and cannot be beaten. If this happens when all the cards are out and you get
in a raising war with someone, don't stop! Raise until one of you runs out
of chips. If there is the possibility of a tie, the rest of the table may
clamor for you to call, since you "obviously" both have the same
hand. Ignore the rabble. You'll be surprised how many of your opponents turn
out to be bona fide idiots.
Hands end in one of three ways: one person bets and everyone else folds, one
person bets on the final round and at least one person calls, or everybody
checks on the final round. If everybody folds to a bet, the bettor need not
show the winning cards and will usually toss them to the dealer face down.
If somebody calls on the end, the person who bet or raised most recently is
*supposed* to immediately show, or "open", their cards. They may
delay doing so in a rude attempt to induce another player to show their hand
in impatience, and then muck their own hand if it is not a winner. Don't do
this yourself. Show your hand immediately if you get called. If you have called
a bet, wait for the bettor to show, then show your own hand if it's better.
If the final round is checked down, in most card rooms. everyone is supposed
to open their hands immediately. Sometimes everyone will wait for someone
else to show first, resulting in a time-wasting deadlock. Break the chain
and show your cards.
Most card rooms. give every player at the table the right to see all cards that called to a showdown, even if they are mucked as losers. (This helps prevent cheating by team-play.) If you are extremely curious about a certain hand, ask the dealer to show it to you. It is considered impolite to constantly ask to see losing cards. It is even more impolite if you hold the winning cards, and in most card rooms. you will forfeit the pot if the "losing" cards turn out to be better than yours.
As a beginner, you may want to show your hand all the time, since you may have overlooked a winning hand. What you gain from one such pot will far outweigh any loss due to revealing how you played a particular losing hand. "Cards speak" at the showdown, meaning that you need not declare the value of your hand. The dealer will look at your cards and decide if you have a winner.
As a final word of caution, it is best to hold on to your winning cards until the dealer pushes you the pot. If the dealer takes your cards and incorrectly "mucks" them, many card rooms. rule that you have no further right to the pot, even if everyone saw your winning cards.
in the Pot
As you win your first pot, the excitement within you will drive you beyond
the realm of rational behavior, and you will immediately lunge to scoop up
the precious chips with both arms. Despite the fact that no other player had
done this while you watched, despite the fact that you read here not to do
it, you WILL do it. Since every dealer has a witty admonition prepared for
this moment, maybe it's all for the best. But next time, let the dealer push
it to you, ok?
Cards or Chips
Don't. Only touch your own cards and chips. Other players' chips and cards,
discards, board cards, the pot and everything else are off-limits. Only the
dealer touches the cards and pot.
Dealers make their living from tips. It is customary for the winner of each
pot to tip the dealer 50 cents to a dollar, depending on locale and the stakes.
Sometimes you will see players tip several dollars for a big pot or an extremely
unlikely suck out. Sometimes you will see players stiff the dealer if the
pot was tiny or split between two players. This is a personal issue, but imitating
the other players is a good start.
Occasionally the dealer or a player may make a mistake, such as miscalling
the winning hand at the showdown. If you are the victim of such a mistake,
call it out immediately and do not let the game proceed. If your opponent
is the victim, let your conscience be your guide; many see no ethical dilemma
in remaining silent. If you are not involved in the pot, you must judge the
texture of the game to determine whether to speak up. In general, the higher
the stakes, the more likely you should keep your mouth shut.
a Break
You are free to get up to stretch your legs, visit the restroom and so on.
Ask the dealer how long you may be away from your seat; 20 or 30 minutes is
typical. It is customary to leave your chips sitting on the table; part of
the dealer's job is to keep them safe. If you miss your blind(s) while away,
you may have to make them up when you return, or you may be asked to sit out
a few more hands until they reach you again. If several players are gone from
a table, they may all be called back to keep the game going; those who don't
return in time forfeit their seats.
If you are in the happy situation of having too many chips, you may request
a "color change" (except in Atlantic City). You can fill up a rack
or two with your excess chips and will receive a few large denomination chips
in return. These large chips are still in play, but at least you aren't inconvenienced
by a mountain of chips in front of you. Remember the one chip rule when betting
with them.
Leave whenever you feel like it. You never have an obligation to stay at the
table, even if you've won a fortune. You should definitely leave if you are
tired, losing more than you expect, or have other reasons to believe you are
not playing your best game. Depending on the card room., you can redeem your
chips for cash with a chip-runner or floor man or at the cashier's cage.
Last but not least is the matter of the house take. Somebody has to maintain
the tastefully opulent furnishings and pay the electric bill. The money taken
by the house is called the "drop", since it is dropped down a slot
in the table at the end of each hand. The house will choose one of three ways
to charge you to play.
A simple "time charge" is common in higher limit games and at some
small games: seats are rented by the half hour, at rates ranging from $4 to
$10 or so, depending on the stakes. This method charges all players equally.
Other card rooms. will "rake" a percentage of the final pot, up
to some maximum, before awarding it to the winning player. The usual rake
is either 5% or 10%, capped at $3 or $4. If the pot is raked, the dealer will
remove chips from the pot as it grows, setting them aside until the hand is
over and they are dropped into a slot in the table. This method favors the
tight player who enters few pots but wins a large fraction of them.
Button Charge
A simpler method is to collect a fixed amount at the start of each hand; one
player, usually the one with the dealer button, pays the entire amount of
the drop. Depending on house rules, this "button charge" of $2-$4
may or may not play as a bet. If the chips do play as a bet, this method also
favors the tighter players, but not nearly as much as the rake does.
What skills are important for Texas Hold'em?
A:P10 [Michael Hall]
(Hold 'em) Poker Skills in Order of Importance
I'm a poker novice, not an expert.
Table selection
1. Hand selection
2. Reading opponents' hands
3. Opponent assessment
4. Heads up play, bluffing, and semi-bluffing
5. Seat selection
6. Check-raising
7. Getting tells
8. Pot odds calculations
The exact order of importance of skills varies by game type. For example,
you cannot read your opponent when your opponent does not know what he has.
The list above is geared towards mid-level games where some sanity prevails
but the game is not at an expert level either.
Table Selection.
By far the most important skill is table selection, so it ranks better than
#1, it's #0. It doesn't matter how well you play if you are always picking
the games with no fish where even an expert can't beat the rake. Most of your
income will come from a few very bad players. If you play fairly well, you
won't lose much to the better players, nor win much from the slightly inferior
players; it's the fish that count.
Hand selection
Now that you've found your table with a live one or two, be patient. More
than just having the discipline to play good hands and the stomach for surviving
the variance, you should realize that most of our income in Hold 'em comes
from AA and KK, with notable mention to the other pocket pairs and AK. Your
object is to not lose too much while waiting for these premium hands, and
particularly not to lose too much to these hands when other players get them.
At $10-$20 and below, go ahead and make it 3 bets if you can before the flop
with your AA or KK; you'll be surprised at how little respect you get with
people calling you all the way to the river even though your betting is screaming
"I HAVE POCKET ACES!!!" And respect pre flop raises done by other
players, dumping a lot of hands you would normally play such as AT and KJ
or even AJ and KQ, as you don't want to make top pair versus an over pair.
On the flop, don't bet into someone who has made it three bets unless you
can beat the shoot out of AA and KK and *want* to be raised back and then
just call and go for a check-raise on the turn.
Reading opponents' hands
Now, think about the range of hands and their probabilities that your opponents
could have. Initially, when the players receive their first two cards, every
possible two card hand is equally probable (unless you start grouping them
like 87 off suit, pocket aces, etc., but you get the idea.) Every action a
player takes gives you information that you can use to adjust these probabilities.
It's a Bayesian inference problem. Unfortunately, actually applying Bayes'
rule exactly is beyond any puny human brain's capability. So, you make a major
approximation and essentially just keep around a set of possible hands, which
you then prune down as action take place.
Suppose a player just calls pre flop in early position and the flop comes Q 7 2 off suit and he suddenly goes berserk by re raising, you have to think about what hands are likely. The hands that make sense to re raise like that are AQ, KQ, Q7, 72, Q2, 77, and 22. QQ would probably be slow-played here instead. Now join that set with the possible hands before the flop. We can just look at these hands and see which are reasonable to just call pre flop in early position. AQ and KQ are often raised in early position, but at least sometimes they just call, so they are still consistent. Q7, 72, and Q2 are not reasonable calls from early position. 77 and 22 are reasonable calls, though tight players would probably dump the 22. So that leaves AQ, KQ, 77, and 22 as his possible hands, which has narrowed down the field quite a bit. Be aware also of how other players may interpret your betting.
Opponent assessment
As play goes along, give yourself a running commentary of the events, "she
open-raises, he folds, he cold-calls..". You must make a lot of mental
notes based on this, and you must do this even when you're not in a hand,
because in addition to being useful during a hand, it's useful for later hands.
You want to see the frequency with which a player sees the flop, the frequency
with which a player defends his blinds from raises, and the hands a player
open-raises with, raises with, re raises with, cold-calls with, and just calls
with. This in conjunction with narrowing down the hands above will often give
you a good idea of what's going on even when there is no showdown. Your goal
is to stereotype each player, as well as to note particular idiosyncrasies
of the individuals for use not only now but in future sessions.
Heads up play, semi-bluffing, and bluffing
Especially when heads-up, you should be constantly applying pressure to the
other player to make him fold. You may re raise when you think you're either
beaten badly or your opponent is bluffing. It's a bit like chess or war games,
with attacks, feints, counterattacks, and graceful retreats. This is part
of the "feel" of poker that's hard to put into words, but hopefully
you get the idea. Bluffing and semi-bluffing is important to keep yourself
unpredictable, and with since you're keeping track of the ranges of plausible
hands, it's quite likely you'll often know where your opponent stands. Cold
bluffing is usually restricted to the river, where you might bet into one
or two opponents (who might fold) if you have no chance of winning the pot
if there is a showdown. Semi-bluffing is betting with a hand that is not likely
best but has some big outs. Your opponent may fold immediately, and if not,
you may hit your out and your opponent may seriously misread you. There is
an important balance here; you must have sufficiently tight hand selection
criteria such that when you do bet your opponent is positively terrified that
you may have a big hand like an over pair. Semi-bluffing is very powerful,
because you've been so careful in choosing your starting hands that even if
you aren't there yet you are likely to get there.
Seat selection
Generally, you want the loose aggressive players to your right and the tight
passive players to your left. This is so that you can see a raise coming before
calling the first bet. However, if the game is tight enough that it is being
folded around to the blinds often, then you want some very tight passive players
in the two seats to your right, so that your blinds will not be stolen. This
is a very important skill, and just because you've found a good table, doesn't
mean that every seat at that table would be a winning seat on average for
Because the nature of fixed limit Hold 'em makes calling one bet often correct
for very weak hands, it's difficult to protect your hand. A major weapon you
have to protect your hand is check-raising. However, you must be conscious
of where you think the bettor will be. Typically, if you had a made but vulnerable
hand you would check in early position if you thought there would be a bet
in late position; you then raise and the players in between face two bets
plus a risk of a re raise by the late position player, making it difficult
for them to call. If you have an invulnerable hand that you want to make everyone
pay you through the nose for, then you would check in early position if you
thought there would be an early position bet, and then you would raise after
everyone trailed in calling behind. The down side of check-raising is that
you risk giving a free card if no one bets.
Getting tells
Be aware of tells. If a player has his hands on his chips and is leaning forward,
all ready to raise if you bet, usually this is an act intended to get you
to just check, as the player in fact does not what to raise you or maybe even
call a bet. Two other incredibly valuable tells are the "what the heck,
I raise" tell (get *out*, he has a monster!) and the "let me check
to see if I have one of that suit with three on the board" tell (so you
know he doesn't have a flush already.) Remember that if they think they're
being watched, players typically act the opposite of what they have.
Pot odds calculations
Be aware of pot odds. You can count the number of "outs" you have
to estimate if calling is a positive expected value play. You may be surprised
that I rank this so low. Although it is a subjective opinion, particularly
when heads up it's much more important outplay your opponent rather than outdraw
him. In loose games, outdrawing becomes much more important, but then the
pots are so big that you usually have odds for any half way reasonable draw
Why are poker hands ranked the way they are?
A:P13 [Michael Maurer, Darse Billings, Roy Hashimoto]
The standard poker hands are ranked based on the probability of their being
dealt pat in 5 cards from a full 52-card deck. The following table lists the
hands in order of increasing frequency, and shows how many ways each hand
can be dealt in 3, 5, and 7 cards.
3 cards 5 cards 7 cards
==== ======= ======= =======
Straight Flush 48 40 41,584
Four of a Kind 0 624 224,848
Full House 0 3,744 3,473,184
Flush 1,096 5,108 4,047,644
Straight 720 10,200 6,180,020
Three of a Kind 52 54,912 6,461,620
Two Pair 0 123,552 31,433,400
One Pair 3,744 1,098,240 58,627,800
High Card 16,440 1,302,540 23,294,460
TOTALS 22,100 2,598,960 133,784,560
1. The standard rankings are incorrect for 3-card hands, since it is easier to get a flush than a straight, and easier to get a straight than three of a kind. See question P15.
2. For 7-card hands, the numbers reflect the best possible 5-card hand out of the 7 cards. For instance, a hand that contains both a straight and three of a kind is counted as a straight.
3. For 7-card hands, only five cards need be in sequence to make a straight, or of the same suit to make a flush. In a 3-card hand a sequence of three is considered a straight, and three of the same suit a flush. These rules reflect standard poker practice.
4. In a 7-card hand, it is easier for one's *best* 5 cards to have one or two pair than no pair. (Good bar bet opportunity!) However, if we changed the ranking to value no pairs above two pairs, all of the one pair hands and most of the two pair hands would be able to qualify for "no pair" by choosing a different set of five cards.
5. Within each type of hand (e.g., among all flushes) the hands are ranked according to an arbitrary scheme, unrelated to probability. See question P14.
A similar situation occurs for two pair hands. There are twelve times as many ways to make two pair with aces being the high pair ("aces up") as there are to do it with threes as the high pair ("threes up"). While the aces can go with another other rank of pair, the threes must go with twos, or we would reverse the order and call them, for instance, "eights up". Note that it is fruitless to alter the relative rankings to try to account for this imbalance, since as soon as we do the cards will be reinterpreted to make the best hand under the new system. For example, if we decide to make "threes up" the best possible two pair hand, now all the hands like "eights and threes" will be interpreted as "threes and eights", and the population of "threes up" hands will soar twelve-fold. The median two pair hand turns out to be a tie between JJ552 and JJ44A.
[Giancarlo DiPierro suggests a fresh interpretation:] You've figured it out. Flushes are not correctly ranked according to their mathematical probability. The ranking of flushes and no-pair hands by the highest card (hence the term "high-card" for no-pair hands) that is commonly used around the world today is an arbitrary system that likely dates back to when someone first started betting on poker hands.
The correct way to rank these hands according to how hard they are be dealt becomes clear if you have ever played lowball or any high-low split game. In those games, low hands are ranked by the worst card, not the best card. Any 6-high low hand is ranked higher than any 7-high low hand because a 6-high is dealt three times less frequently than a 7-high. It doesn't matter if the lowest card in the 7-high hand is an ace and the lowest card in the 6-high hand is only a deuce, the 6-high wins.
Applying that principle to flushes and no-pair hands in high poker, a 9-low hand is dealt about three times less frequently than an 8-low and about seven times less frequently than a 7-low. So the 9-low should ranked higher, even if the 7-low contains an ace and the 9-low does not. In any situation where unpaired cards are determining the ranking of a hand, whether it is a flush, no-pair, or the side cards in hands with trips of equal rank, the worst card -- the lowest one -- should be used for the ranking.
This concept also applies to two pair hands -- the mathematically correct way of ranking them would be to use the value of the lower pair. Kings-under-aces is twice as rare as any queens-under hand, three times are rare as jacks-under, four times as rare as tens-under, and twelve times as rare as deuces-under -- the easiest two pair to make. The next time your queens-under-kings loses to a pair of aces that turns into aces-and-deuces on the river, you can feel justified that mathematically, at least, you had the better hand!
What is the correct ranking for 3-card poker hands?
A:P15 [Darse Billings]
The standard ranking of poker hands is based on their frequency of occurrence
in a five card hand. In three card hands the relative frequency of hands is
different, so different in fact that three of a kind beats a straight, and
a straight beats a flush.
The following is a break down of all three card poker hands. They can be used for certain three card games, such as Guts or 3-card-6. They can also be used to analyze starting hands for games like 7-Card Stud.
Type Kinds Each Total Cuml Rating
--------- ----- ---- ----- ----- ------
straight flush 12 4 48 48 0.9978
trips 13 4 52 100 0.9955
straight 12 60 720 820 0.9629
flush ** 274 4 1096 1916 0.9133
pair *** 156 24 3744 5660 0.7439
Ace high 64 60 3840 9500 0.5701
King high 54 60 3240 12740 0.4235
Queen high 44 60 2640 15380 0.3041
Jack high 35 60 2100 17480 0.2090
Ten high 27 60 1620 19100 0.1357
Nine high 20 60 1200 20300 0.0814
Eight high 14 60 840 21140 0.0434
Seven high 9 60 540 21680 0.0190
Six high 5 60 300 21980 0.0054
Five high 2 60 120 22100 0.0000
** More on Flushes
High Card Kinds Percent Total Cuml Rating
--------- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------
Ace high 64 23.4 256 1076 0.9513
King high 54 19.7 216 1292 0.9415
Queen high 44 16.1 176 1468 0.9336
Jack high 35 12.8 140 1608 0.9272
Ten high 27 9.9 108 1716 0.9224
Nine high 20 7.3 80 1796 0.9187
Eight high 14 5.1 56 1852 0.9162
Seven high 9 3.3 36 1888 0.9146
Six high 5 1.8 20 1908 0.9137
Five high 2 0.7 8 1916 0.9133
More on Pairs
Type Kinds Each Total Cuml Rating
--------- ----- ---- ----- ----- ------
AAx 12 24 288 2204 0.9003
KKx 12 24 288 2492 0.8872
QQx 12 24 288 2780 0.8742
JJx 12 24 288 3068 0.8612
TTx 12 24 288 3356 0.8481
99x 12 24 288 3644 0.8351
88x 12 24 288 3932 0.8221
77x 12 24 288 4220 0.8090
66x 12 24 288 4508 0.7960
55x 12 24 288 4796 0.7830
44x 12 24 288 5084 0.7700
33x 12 24 288 5372 0.7569
22x 12 24 288 5660 0.7439
In the preceding tables, "Kinds" refers to the number of card combinations
in each class, while "Each" is the number of non-distinct hands
of each Kind. The product of these two numbers gives the total number of hands
in that class. "Cuml" is the cumulative total of all hands, and
"Rating" is a percentile ranking of the lowest hand in the class.
Note that "Rating" is only an estimate of the probability of beating a random hand. To compute the exact probability, a given hand must be compared to the (49 choose 3) combinations of the remaining cards in the deck.
Below that is a chart listing the number of outs given a particular drawing hand, and what hands those outs will give if made.
Chances of making a hand on the turn, river, turn or river (t|r),
turn and river (t&r):
turn turn | river river | t|r t|r | t&r t&r
Outs (%) (X:1) | (%) (X:1) | (%) (X:1) | (%) (X:1)
20 42.6 1.35 | 43.5 1.30 | 67.5 0.48 | 17.6 4.69
19 40.4 1.47 | 41.3 1.42 | 65.0 0.54 | 15.8 5.32
18 38.3 1.61 | 39.1 1.56 | 62.4 0.60 | 14.2 6.07
17 36.2 1.76 | 37.0 1.71 | 59.8 0.67 | 12.6 6.95
16 34.0 1.94 | 34.8 1.88 | 57.0 0.75 | 11.1 8.01
15 31.9 2.13 | 32.6 2.07 | 54.1 0.85 | 9.7 9.30
14 29.8 2.36 | 30.4 2.29 | 51.2 0.95 | 8.4 10.88
13 27.7 2.62 | 28.3 2.54 | 48.1 1.08 | 7.2 12.86
12 25.5 2.92 | 26.1 2.83 | 45.0 1.22 | 6.1 15.38
11 23.4 3.27 | 23.9 3.18 | 41.7 1.40 | 5.1 18.65
10 21.3 3.70 | 21.7 3.60 | 38.4 1.60 | 4.2 23.02
9 19.1 4.22 | 19.6 4.11 | 35.0 1.86 | 3.3 29.03
8 17.0 4.88 | 17.4 4.75 | 31.5 2.18 | 2.6 37.61
7 14.9 5.71 | 15.2 5.57 | 27.8 2.59 | 1.9 50.48
6 12.8 6.83 | 13.0 6.67 | 24.1 3.14 | 1.4 71.07
5 10.6 8.40 | 10.9 8.20 | 20.4 3.91 | 0.9 107.10
4 8.5 10.75 | 8.7 10.50 | 16.5 5.07 | 0.6 179.17
3 6.4 14.67 | 6.5 14.33 | 12.5 7.01 | 0.3 359.33
2 4.3 22.50 | 4.3 22.00 | 8.4 10.88 | 0.1 1080.00
1 2.1 46.00 | 2.2 45.00 | 4.3 22.50 | 0.0 NA
Number of Outs Given a Particular Hand to Improve
Outs Given In attempt to make
15 Open Straight Flush Draw Straight, Flush, Straight Flush
12 Inside Straight Flush Draw Straight, Flush, Straight Flush
9 Flush Draw Flush
8 Open Straight Draw Straight
4 Gut Shot Straight Straight
4 2 Pair Full House
2 1 Pair Three of a kind
1 Three of a Kind Four of a kind
What does pot-limit mean?
A:P17 [Steve Brecher]
This is an explanation of bet size limits in pot limit poker.
In pot limit, as in all poker, you may fold, or call the previous bet -- which may be a forced blind, if there is no previous voluntary bet -- or you may raise. A raise, as in all poker, must be at least as large as the previous bet or raise. In pot limit, however, your raise may be no larger than the size of the pot after your call. If you are the opening bettor on a round for which no blinds are made, your bet can be no more than the size of the pot.
Say that the pot contains p units before a previous bettor bets (or blinds) b units. You wish to raise the maximum. What is the total amount that you should bet?
The size of the pot when it is your turn to act is p+b. Your action includes a call, making the pot p+2b, and thus the amount of your raise will be p+2b and your total bet will be p+3b. Therefore:
If you wish to raise the previous bettor (or big blind) the maximum amount, your total bet will be three times the previous bet plus the size of the pot before the previous bet was made. If you are the first to act on the first round, the size of the pot before the previous bet is the total of the small blind(s), and the previous bet is the big blind.
Sometimes the minimum betting unit is larger than the size of one or more blinds. E.g., it may be that only $5 chips play for betting, but one or more blinds are smaller than $5. In this case, the maximum initial bring-in is rounded to the betting unit.
Some people state the general rule that the maximum initial bring-in is "four times the big blind." This is correct only if the total of the small blinds, after rounding if appropriate, is equal to the big blind, and this is not always the case. E.g., in a tournament when the blinds are $100 and $200, the maximum bring-in is $700, not $800. The correct rule is "three times the big blind plus the total of the small blinds, rounded as appropriate."
2, and 5 blinds. 3 times 5 = 15; 15 + 1 + 2 = 18. Assuming that the minimum
betting unit is 5, the maximum initial bring-in would be 18 rounded up to
become 20 -- a raise of 15.
With 1, 2, and 5 blinds, someone brings it in for 10. The maximum bet of the
next to act would be 3 times 10 = 30, plus the total blinds of 7, rounded
up to 40 -- a raise of 30.
The pot contains, say, 1 unit. Suppose each successive bettor wishes to raise
the maximum; how fast will the bets increase?
size of pot before 3 x previous bet
previous bet previous bet + size of pot before
previous bet
= next bet
1 - 1
1 1 4
2 4 14
6 14 48
20 48 164
68 164 560
232 560 1912
So, if the initial pot size were $100, the seventh maniacal raiser would be
making a total bet of $191,200. The action can escalate quickly.
Q: What is half-pot-limit?
[David Zanetti, March 2000]
In half-pot betting the maximum bet is half of whatever is in the pot. In a head-to-head contest, HP pots and bets double with each additional bet or raise, so four bets or raises increase the pot by a factor of 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, or sixteen times. Pot-sized bets triple the pot, giving 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 or eighty-one times the original pot after four bets or raises, in a head-to-head contest.
Half-pot is the smallest of the big-bet games, and like its big brothers pot-limit and no-limit, it provides plenty of scope for using position and well timed bluffs to win with inferior hands, and the pot builds quickly when you are betting for value. At the same time the more moderate bet sizes mean that half-pot games last much longer than pot-limit or no-limit games with a given amount of money available. Half-pot games are much easier to keep alive than pot-limit and no-limit games, and this alone makes them worthy of consideration as a big-bet option.
Half-pot, like limit-betting, is a game which provides reasonable odds for a call -- 3/1 in a head to head contest, as opposed to 2/1 in pot-limit -- and as a result there is more action and multi-way pots than in pot-limit and no-limit. Because half-pot is a big-bet game, bets and bluffs do not decrease in effect as the hand progresses, as they do in limit, where a final round bet can be as little as two or three percent of the pot. In effect, half-pot combines the best features of pot-limit/no-limit, and limit-betting: it has multi-way action, favorable pot-odds and reasonable bankroll longevity, like limit-betting, and it's also an excellent bluffing form in which pots and bets build quickly, like PL and NL.
Here is a chart comparing half-pot and pot-limit pot sizes and bets in a 50-100 (cents or dollars, depending on your BR) game of Hold'em. In this example the opener raises, and then bets at every round, and one player (other than either of the blinds) calls at every round, and then raises and is called at the end. The pot size at the start of each round includes all bets and calls for the preceding round, so the pot at the start of the second round in the half-pot column is 150 (blinds) + 100 + 125 (call and raise) + 225 (call) = 600.
Half-pot Pot-limit
Start: call 100, raise 125 call 100, raise 250
Flop: pot 600, bet 300 pot 850, bet 850
Turn: pot 1200, bet 600 pot 2550, bet 2550
River: pot 2400, bet 1200 pot 7650, bet 7650
raise 2400, final pot 9600 raise 22,950, final pot 68,850
The rapid escalation of the bets means that a hand of PL in which there is
serious action at every round of play is something of a rarity, because players
with average bankrolls tap out after three or four bets. Four rounds of action,
even multi-way action, is common in half-pot play.
Pot-limit is good, but half-pot lasts longer.
While it is perfectly understandable that some players will always prefer pot-limit to half-pot -- and if bankroll conditions and the players are right I like it myself -- I believe it is a mistake to dismiss half-pot as a big-bet game. A half-pot game can survive for years in a situation where a pot-limit game would quickly break many of the available players and revert to limit-betting. The situation in the USA and Canada -- where pot-limit games can be hard to find -- is a reflection of this tendency of limit games to push out pot-limit. Players who prefer big-bet poker but who spend most of their time playing limit because the pot-limit game folded again, (or because their own bankroll can't handle the big swings) might consider half-pot betting as an alternative, if not to pot-limit, at least to limit-betting.
To kill the pot in Hold'em or other flop games, the kill must be announced (either verbally or by placing the amount of the kill in the pot) before any cards are dealt. Draw lowball games frequently allow players to kill the after seeing two cards - and some places even allow a kill in lowball after the 3rd card is dealt. No-limit draw lowball also frequently allows the player with the big blind to place a blind which is larger than the normal amount, but still smaller than the to-go amount, and the new to-go amount is twice the big blind.
Example: In a 1-2-2, 5-to-go Hold'em game, the player on the button (who also has the $1 blind) decides to kill it for $5, re buying his right to act last before the flop. The blinds now look like 5-2-2, and the game is now 10-to-go. After the player to the right of the button acts, the two $2 blinds act, then the killer acts.
Example: In a draw-lowball game, 1-1-2 blinds, 4-to-go, the player with the big blind puts out $3 before cards are dealt and it is now 6-to-go. After two cards are dealt, the player to the right of the button kills the pot for $10, and it is now 20-to-go. The player after the blinds is first to act. After the player in front of the killer acts, the button and other blinds must act, and then the killer acts.
Limit lowball games also frequently allow a player to kill the pot from any position. In this case, the killer makes a blind of the current limit, and the limit is doubled for that hand. As in no-limit games, the player who kills the pot acts last after the blinds before the draw, and action resumes to the normal order after the draw.
In addition, some limit games are played with a kill or a half kill. In these games, there is some condition which if met, raises the stakes of the game - doubling them in the case of a kill game, or increasing them by 50% in the case of a half kill. In addition to the normal blinds posted for the game, the player who met the kill condition must post a blind equal to the new small bet size. This blind is instead of the small or big blind if the player would have been in position to have one of those. In some clubs the killer gets to act last after the blinds; but in others the killer acts in normal turn order.
In a high only game, the condition is typically that someone wins two pots in a row. In a high-low split game, the condition is usually that someone takes the whole pot, and that the pot is some minimum size.
For example: in a 10-20 Omaha-8 game with a half kill that I've played in, if someone scoops a pot with $100 in it, then they must post a $15 blind and the next hand the game is 15-30.
is a straddle bet?
In limit Hold'em and other flop games players are frequently allowed to make
a bet called a straddle bet, sometimes known as a live blind, live raise,
or live-<amount> where <amount> is the amount of the bet. The
player who follows the big blind and would normally be under the gun can raise
before cards before cards are dealt. Players that act after him must call
the raise, fold, or raise the bet themselves. The straddler's raise is live
- if no-one else raises, s/he has the option to re raise after the blinds
have acted. If straddle bets are allowed, the player behind the straddler
can also post a straddle by raising again, and so on until the maximum number
of bets is reached.
For example: In a 6-12 game, the blinds are 3 and 6, the player after the small blind makes it live-12 by raising before the cards are dealt, and the player after him can make it live-18.
Within this framework is considerable room for variation. Many tournaments
permit "re buys", which allow a busted player to reenter the tournament
by immediately posting additional money to the prize pool. The number of re
buys may be unlimited, limited to one or a few, or limited to an initial period
of the tournament. Re buys may also be available to players with short stacks
or even to all active players. Some tournaments allow an "add-on",
a one-time opportunity for all active players to buy a set number of additional
chips, again increasing the prize pool. The add-on may be available at the
end of the re buy period, at the beginning of the tournament, or, rarely,
at any time during the re buy period. The exchange rate for re buys and add-ons
may be better than that for the initial buy-in. A tournament with no re buys
is called a "freeze out". The betting structure may be limit only,
pot-limit, no-limit, or a mixture, usually limit in the early rounds and no-limit
later. Whatever the betting structure, the blinds or betting limits increase
regularly, perhaps doubling every twenty minutes in a small tournament, or
more slowly in a large one.
Chip Race
A confusing aspect of the increasing stakes is the way in which some tournaments
get rid of the small denomination chips. At some point in the tournament,
the dealer may "race off" all the red $5 chips. Each player puts
all their red chips in front of them, and the dealer converts them to as many
green $25 chips as possible. Whatever red chips remain are raced off: each
player receives one card for each chip, and the player receiving the highest
card (ace, king, etc) wins everybody's reds and converts them to greens. Bridge
suits break ties for the high card (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs). In other
tournaments, the red chips may simply be rounded to green chips. Although
rounding can change the total amount of money in play, it is better at preserving
the players' relative chip positions.
Some tournaments use a new chip race technique that only awards one chip to the player with the highest card. Then that player is ineligible to receive more chips. If more chips remain, the player having the next highest card receives the next chip and becomes ineligible also, and so on until all chips are distributed.
The tournament usually continues until only one player remains. The winner
may take all the money, or the top finishers may divide it up according to
a set schedule. In most tournaments, tables are consolidated and seats redrawn
when a certain number of players are eliminated, eventually resulting in a
"final table" of contestants. Sometimes, each table plays until
only one player remains, and then the survivors meet at a final table; this
is called a "shootout". Since the betting stakes are large at the
final table and payout schedules often favor first place, luck plays a major
role and many players prefer cutting a deal to playing the tournament to its
A "satellite" is a tournament in which the prize is an entry to
another tournament. Large tournaments like the $10,000 No-limit Hold'em event
in the World Series of Poker generate a lot of satellites. Typically, the
satellite buy-in is around 1/10 the tournament buy-in, so the top 10% of satellite
finishers win a tournament buy-in. Sometimes a satellite will even have mini-satellites,
in which the prize is an entry to the main satellite. A mini-satellite for
the $10,000 event might have a $100 buy-in and award a $1,000 buy in to a
satellite that is awarding a $10,000 buy-in to the main event.
A satellite format popular in the larger tournaments is the "super-satellite". This is a multi-table tournament that awards a number of entries into the main tournament. The buy-in to the super can be as little as 2% of the buy-in to the main tournament, with re buys usually permitted. Depending on the number of entrants and re buys, the top N finishers receive an entry into the main tournament. The strategy late in a super-satellite can be unusual because of the flat payout structure.
Many small (under $100 buy-in) daily or weekly tournaments are listed in the
back pages of Card Player magazine. Be sure to call the casino to see if they
are having the tournament that day, since the magazine is sometimes out of
Tournaments work by eliminating players who lose all their chips. To ensure that a tournament ends within a reasonable time the blinds/antes are increased at regular intervals. Your objective in a tournament should therefore be to accumulate chips whilst minimizing the chance of being eliminated.
the Tournament
Before entering a tournament make sure you know the way it is organized; if
it is a freeze out then it will cost you only the initial fee. If the tournament
allows re buys or add-ons then you need to know the exact rules and costs
of each of your options.
In your first few tournaments it will probably be sensible to forgo all these options, play your best game with your starting chips, and gain as much experience as possible at minimum cost.
As a general rule it is mathematically sound to re buy at any stage providing that you are not out-classed by the opposition (and the cost is not a major concern). This is true even if all the other players at the table have far more chips than you.
A good 'rule of thumb' for add-ons is to take the option if you currently have less than the average number of chips *and*, by taking the add-on you will then have an above average number of chips. The add-on is less sound if you have a very small stack or a large stack. Of course the cheaper the cost of the add-on chips the more attractive the option is regardless of stack size.
Make sure you know how many prizes there are and whether the tournament is played to a finish or ends at a fixed time. The correct strategy when you get down to the last few players or the last few hands can lead to some plays which would be irrational in any other circumstances.
Also check the blind/ante structure; how it changes and how frequently it changes during the tournament. The blinds typically double at fixed intervals of between 20 and 40 minutes. This information is important: Suppose at some point you have 1800 chips and there are currently blinds of 200 and 400. After you have paid your next blinds you will have 1200 chips left or 3 times the big blind. If however the blinds are likely to double before you next post then, after posting, you will have 600 chips left which is less than the big blind of 800. Clearly the strategy you need to adopt will vary considerably in these two situations, in the first you can be reasonably conservative whilst in the latter you have to win a pot quickly and will need to be aggressive.
Early Stages
In the early stages of a tournament keep the following points in mind:
If it is a freeze out tournament a lot of players will play tight in the early stages not wanting to be eliminated quickly. Some players will however be aggressive looking to build a big stack quickly with a fall back of a return to the cash games if things don't go to plan. Selective aggression against the tight players can be effective in this situation.
If re buys are allowed the play in the early stages will tend to be a lot looser. A lot of the players will be prepared, and even expect, to re buy and they will play marginal hands aggressively trying to build a big stack early. Players who are not going to re buy will play a lot more cautiously.
At the start of a tournament the cost of the blinds will be relatively low in respect of the average stack size and will become even lower if re buys are allowed. This allows you to play much more marginal hands than normal. It is worth risking a small part of your stack (say 5% or less) to see the flop with small pairs, suited connectors and other marginal hands to have the chance to double your stack if you hit big on the flop.
By the same token it can be right to play good hands relatively conservatively pre flop If you hold AK in late position and there are several callers it is often better just to flat call. You know if you raise you will not get the other players to fold. By flat calling you minimize your loss if the flop is not to your liking and you have the benefit of disguise if you hit the flop big.
If you are by nature an aggressive player then use the early stages to try and build a substantial stack. This risks early elimination but when successful it will give you sufficient chips to survive the first few blind increases even if the cards turn against you.
If your natural game is passive or middle of the road then the best strategy is to try for a steady accumulation of chips. Play looser than normal pre flop providing that the cost is small in relation to your stack but play slightly tighter than normal post-flop. This generally means not putting in that extra bet or raise when you think, but are not sure, that you are ahead - the saving of a bet when you lose the pot is worth more to you than the extra bet you could potentially win.
Finally in the early stages do not be concerned with eliminating other players. You are too far from the prize list to worry about how many players are left. It is more important to concentrate on keeping your stack in good condition. For example a player raises and everyone else folds. You hold T9s and have a big stack. Your opponent is almost all in so the cost to you even if you lose the pot is small. Even so, fold. Your opponent has almost certainly a better starting hand than yours and even if you win it will not increase your stack by much. Having made a good start you need to be careful not to bleed chips unnecessarily.
Middle/Late Stages
In the middle and later stages of a tournament the structure of the game gradually
changes and the strategy necessary changes too:
As the blinds increase they represent an increasing percentage of the average stack. Winning the blinds therefore becomes more significant and the first player into the pot will normally enter with a raise rather than a flat call.
The converse of this is that it now costs a significant proportion of the average stack to call a raise. Therefore the quality of hand needed to call a raise increases. The result of this is that a lot of hands go raise, all fold and you can go several hands without even seeing a flop.
As players are eliminated the game in the middle/late stages will be played most of the time with less than a full table. This, and the increasing blinds, means that unless a players is winning hands at regular intervals even a big stack can be quickly depleted. To counter this all players, regardless of their normal style, have to play very aggressively.
So the general strategy in the middle/late stages is to increasingly loosen the requirements for an opening raise and to tighten up the requirements for calling. Your objective should be to win, on average, the blinds once per round. Each time you win the blinds you can, in effect, survive one further round of hands.... and each round of hands you survive increases your chance of hitting a premium hand and an opportunity to double your stack.
A player who has an average or large stack commands respect when they raise and will often win the blinds unopposed. A player with a small stack will be called much more frequently because they do not have sufficient chips to seriously damage the larger stacks. There is, therefore, a critical stack size and it is worth a player taking extra risks to try and avoid falling below that point. As a rule of thumb this critical size is about 4 big bets in a limit game and about 6 times the big blind in pot and no-limit.
If your stack does fall below the critical level then a change of strategy is required. It is no longer sensible to raise with marginal hands because you expect to be called. So raise if you are lucky enough to hit a premium hand but otherwise limp in to a pot with any reasonable hand. If there is no raise then you can judge the flop and fold if absolutely necessary. If you limp into a pot and it is then raised be prepared to put all your chips in and keep your fingers crossed. If there is a raise in front of you then you should also loosen your calling requirements when you are very short of chips. A hand such as Ax or a low pair offers a reasonable chance of doubling your stack and you can't afford to wait for a better opportunity.
If you have a big stack (e.g. twice the average or more) then you are in a strong position but this can change rapidly. A big stack allows you to play more conservatively and wait that bit longer for better hands before raising however the blinds will soon eat into even a large stack so you have to remain aggressive. Normally it will pay to be selectively aggressive, that is be prepared to mix it with the smaller stacks but keep out of the way of the other large stacks as they can do you serious damage.
Experienced tournament players with large stacks are likely to call a raise by a short stack even if they have only a moderate or poor hand. They are risking losing a few chips for the chance of moving one place closer to the prize money. There may even be several callers with good stacks and poor hands. It will not be unusual for these players to check down the hand once the short stack is all-in to maximize the chance of eliminating the all-in player.
Whilst this is good tournament strategy it is probably best in your first few tournaments to call a raise only with a very good hand and ignore whether the raiser has many or few chips. However if you do get head to head with a player who is almost all-in you should force the other player to commit their last few chips at the first opportunity; certainly if you would call if they bet then you must bet to prevent them checking. It is a cardinal error to let a player off the hook because no matter how few chips a player has left they can bounce back to being chip leader within a few hands if they get the run of the cards!
the blinds rise a raise or a call starts to take a significant proportion
of the average stack. The effect of this is that most players will continue
to play aggressively on the flop if they have even a small part of it and
quite often they will play aggressively even if the flop misses them completely
(ie bluff). You will have to respond in kind
especially if conceding the pot would leave you with a stack below the critical
level. For example you hold AsQd, raise and are called by the big blind. The
flop is Jh 8h 2c and the big blind bets. Even though this flop does nothing
for you you should call unless you are in a strong chip position. The big
blind is as likely to be on a draw or bluffing as he is to have a genuine
Final Stage
If all goes well you will survive to the point where you are down to the last
few players and almost in the prize money.
At this stage the blinds will be so high that virtually all the players left will have stacks at or below the critical size. In addition you will be playing the game increasingly short-handed which means that you can see fewer and fewer hands before your stack is anted away.
You need at this stage to know exactly how near the prize money you are and how many chips each of your opponents has. If you have an average or large stack the correct strategy is still to be ultra aggressive in raising but conservative in calling. However when you have fewer than average chips it can be right to adopt a tighter strategy! There are two reasons why this may be so:
Suppose there are 5 players left and there are prizes for the first 4 only. If the player under the gun does not have enough chips to cover the big blind next hand then you will be probably correct to fold any non-premium hand and hope that utg doesn't get lucky. In general this extends to playing tight if you can survive longer than one or more of the other players left in the game. This will force them to try and win a pot before you have to - if they lose you are one further notch up the ladder whilst if they win you still have a chance to also win a pot and be back in the same relative position to them.
Providing that you have enough chips to see the next few hands then playing tight also avoids the chance of immediate elimination and gives the other players a chance to eliminate each other or to agree to make a deal, either of which is to your advantage.
In most tournaments the last few players are allowed to agree a deal sharing the prize fund in different proportions to that originally envisioned. A lot of tournaments will end in this way because regardless of how big a lead the chip leader has the blinds are so high that who wins will be more a matter of luck than skill or weight of chips.
There are typically three types of deal:
saver is agreed for all those players still in who subsequently get eliminated
outside the original prize scale. For example if there are 6 players left
and only 4 prizes then the players may agree that the next 2 players eliminated
will receive $100 each and the prize for the eventual winner will be reduced
by $200. The game then continues.
The whole of the prize fund is distributed amongst the remaining players and
the game is ended at this point. The amount each player receives will be related
to the number of chips they currently have but the exact amount will be subject
to negotiation.
Part of the prize fund is distributed amongst the remaining players and then
the game continues; normally on the basis of the winner takes all of the remaining
prize money (and the trophy if any).
If you are going to split the prize money on the basis of chips held then
it is probably easiest to let the experienced players do the initial negotiating.
They will ask if you would be happy to accept $x and it is then up to you
to accept or reject the offer. If you are one of the chip leaders then you
should expect to receive less than your chips are worth whereas if you have
less chips than average you should insist on receiving more than their face
value. For example with 5 players left if you have 10% of the chips you might
expect 15% of the prize fund; if you have 40% of the chips you might have
to settle for 30-35% of the money.
For new tournament players the important point to bear in mind is that any deal requires the explicit agreement of *all* the remaining players. If you do not like the proposed deal you do not have to accept it simply ask the dealer to carry on. If things continue to go your way you will end up with all the chips and the bulk of the prize money. Remember however that in these final stages luck is more important than skill and a sensible deal leaves everybody happy.
What is a burn card and why is it dealt?
A:P23 [Michael Maurer]
A burn card is a card dealt face down at the beginning of a round, before
any other cards are dealt. This card is not used in the play of the hand.
The main reason for this custom is to guard against marked cards. If the cards
are marked, a player who can read the backs will know what the top card on
the deck is. In a flop-game like Hold'em or Omaha, knowledge of the next board
card is extremely profitable. Knowledge of which card it will *not* be is
slightly useful, but much less so.
of Diamonds
The actual card is supposedly on display in Deadwood, previously on display
at the Stardust in Las Vegas.
Nine of Diamonds
Listed below in the glossary, this card was supposedly reported by first hand
accounts, and is used in a recreation in Deadwood.
Queen of Clubs
On display at Ripley's Believe it or Not.
King of Spades
Appeared in the 1936 movie The Plainsman with Gary Cooper as Hickok.
What is Hi-Lo declare? How is it played?
A:P34 [Stephen Landrum, January 2002]
Hi-Lo declare is a popular variation in home games that can be applied to any game that can be played hi-lo. The betting proceeds normally to the end of the hand, then everyone still in the hand declares whether they are going high, low, or both ways.
There are many variations to the rules, so it is best to make sure that the rules used in your game are announced in advance and that everyone agrees to them.
There are several ways that the hand can be declared. One of the most popular is to declare simultaneously with chips. Each player secretly conceals chips in their hand; then at the same time all players open their hands to reveal their declaration. Common systems for chip declare include using number of chips (for instance, no chips means low, one chip means high, two chips means both ways), or using color of chips (for instance white chips in hand mean low, red chips mean high, both colors mean both ways). Another way of declaring is for the players to announce aloud in turn (either from dealer's left, from the high showing hand, or from the last bettor depending on what's been agreed upon in advance). This latter form of declare obviously has a huge positional advantage for the player who gets to declare last.
After the declare, there may be another betting round, depending on the house rules. If there is an additional betting round, a "lock" bettor may be allowed to bet or raise, or may be required only to check and call depending on the house variation being used. A "lock" bettor is a player who declares one way and no-one else declares that way.
After the declare and optional betting round is the showdown. At the showdown, the best high hand (of the hands that have been declared as going high) and the best low hand (of the hands that declared low) split the pot. If everyone has declared the same way, then the whole pot is awarded to the best hand that way. If more than one player has they same best hand in the way they've declared they split that share of the pot.
If someone declares "both ways" (also called a "hogger"), things get more complicated. If the "both ways" player has the best high and the best low hand, then they win the whole pot. If they are beat in either direction, however, they win none of the pot. What happens if they have the best high but are beat low, or have the best low but are beat high is a matter of house rules (and can be a matter of great dispute if the players have not agreed beforehand). In some houses if a player declares both ways and has the best high hand but is beat low, the second best high hand is allowed to win the high share of the pot (the same reasoning applies if the both ways declarer has the best low but is beat high). In other houses, if a player declares both ways and has the best high but is beat low, then no-one wins the high, and the entire pot is awarded to the best low hand.
Another important variation in the rules to know about for declaring both ways is whether a both ways declarer is allowed to tie on either side. In some houses, the both ways declarer must win both sides free and clear, or get none of the pot. For instance if player A declares both ways, and player B declares high, and they both have the same straight, then player A gets nothing. Other houses allow the both ways declarer to get shares if the pot if they tie on one side (as long as they win or tie on the other as well). For instance if Player A declares both ways, and player B declares high, and they both have they same straight, then A would get 3/4 of the pot (all of low and half of high), and B would get 1/4 (half of the high).
It leads to the least complications in extremely rare situations if "second best" hands are allowed to win if a both ways declarer is beat in the other direction. If second best hands are not allowed to win, then situations can arise where no-one is eligible for a share of the pot and a long argument is likely to ensue. For instance Players A, B, C and D declare hi, low, both and both respectively. Player C has the best high hand, but player D has the best low hand, if "second best" hands are not allowed a share of the pot, then no-one is allowed to win. If "second best" hands are allowed to win, then player A wins high, and player B wins low. If "second best" hands are not allowed to win in your game, it's probably best to have a house rule to allow them to win in the case where no-one would otherwise be eligible for any of the pot.
In the case where all players have declared both ways, but no-one wins both ways, it's best to treat it as if the hand had been played without declare, and the best high hand and the best low hand are allowed to split the pot.
Hi-Lo Declare Examples
Here are some showdown clarifications for Hi-Lo Declare under different rule sets. For illustration purposes, the game used will be 7 card stud (so that there can be ties on either the high or low sides), but the concepts apply to any game that can be played Hi-Lo.
Rule variation #1 - "Both ways" must win free and clear (cannot tie), and 2nd best hands cannot win. This is probably the most popular rule set used, but needs some extra rules to settle unusual situations.
Rule variation #2 - "Both ways" hands are allowed to tie, and 2nd best hands are allowed to win if they are only beat by hands that are otherwise ineligible to win. This is the most liberal set of rules, and is almost always clear about how the pot is divided. Even this needs clarification if everyone declares both ways.
Rule variation #3 - "Both ways" must win free and clear, but 2nd best hands are allowed to win. This set is included because at least one home game is currently known to use it.
In the cases where no-one is eligible to win, an extra rule needs to be invoked to handle the situation (the pot rides to the next hand, second best hand is allowed to win, both ways allowed to win just one way, etc.)
| Declaration and hands: | Variation #1 | Variation #2 | Variation #3 |
| A: high with KQJT9 | A gets 1/2 the pot for high |
| B: low with an 8532A | B gets 1/2 the pot for low |
| A: high with KQJT9 | A gets 1/2 the pot for high |
| B: low with an 7532A | B gets 1/2 the pot for low |
| C: both ways with 76543 | |
| A: low with an 7532A | A wins the whole pot |
| B: both ways with 76543 | |
| A: high with three 9s | B wins the whole pot |
| B: both ways with 76543 | |
| C: low with 8532A | |
| A: high with flush | A gets 1/2 the pot for high |
| B: both ways with 76543 | C gets 1/2 the pot for low |
| C: low with 6542A | |
| A: high with three 9s | C wins the pot | A gets 1/2 pot | A gets 1/2 pot
| B: both ways with 76543 | | C gets 1/2 pot | C gets 1/2 pot |
| C: low with 6 low | | | |
| A: high with 98765 | A wins the pot | A gets 1/4 pot | A gets 1/2 pot |
| B: high with 98765 | | B gets 3/4 pot | C gets 1/2 pot |
| and low with 7653A | | | |
| C: low with 76542 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | none eligible* | A gets 1/2 pot | C wins the pot
| B: both ways with 76543 | | B gets 1/2 pot | |
| C: high with KKJJ9 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | B wins the pot | A gets 3/4 pot | B wins the pot
| B: high with 76543 | | B gets 1/4 pot | |
| C: high with KKJJ9 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | B wins the pot | A gets 3/4 pot | B gets 1/2 pot
| B: low with 76543 | | B gets 1/4 pot | C gets 1/2 pot |
| C: high with KKJJ9 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | none eligible* | A gets 1/2 pot | none eligible*
| B: both ways with 76543 | | B gets 1/2 pot | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | none eligible* | B wins the pot | none eligible*
| B: both ways with flush | | | |
| and 76543 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | none eligible* | B wins the pot | C wins the pot
| B: both ways with flush | | | |
| and 76543 | | | |
| C: high with KKJJ9 | | | |
| A: both ways with 76543 | none eligible* | none eligible* | none eligible*
| B: both ways with flush | | | |
| and 8543A | | | |
In summary, Hi-Lo declare is popular and can add fun and variety to your home
game, but arguments are best avoided by clarifying the particular house rules
and unusual situations in advance.