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Collecting Casino Chips and Poker Chips is a Great Hobby!
We have been collecting poker chips, casino chips, gaming tokens, & silver strikes for quite a few years now. We also sell the finest Las Vegas casino chips, poker chips, clay chips, hard rock casino chips, gambling supplies, and casino collectibles. Our poker chips for your home poker game come from the finest poker chip company. They produce poker chips and casino chips for casino games such as Poker, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, & Blackjack. Let's not forget gambling supplies and casino supplies too! Our casino chips, Las Vegas slot club cards, and Las Vegas hotel room key collections are online for the world to see.
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It is our goal to make sure you are happy with everything you purchase from us. We want to keep you as a long term, loyal customer. If there are any suggestions you may have - please e-mail us. We are constantly improving and upgrading due to our customer's input. This website is here because of you - and we thank you for your business and support!
Old Vegas Chips is the place for Casino Chips, Poker Chips, Poker Supplies, Casino Chip Supplies, & Playing Cards.

Here are the Poker Chips & Poker Chip Sets We Offer:
High Roller Casino
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Bikini Watchers* Harley Davidson * Poker Tournament * Card Suits * Lucky 7's * Silver Slipper * Dillinger's Gambling Hall * Capone's Casino * Winning Hand * Hold'em or Fold 'em * Fabulous Las Vegas * America The Beautiful * 3 Edge Spot * Las Vegas Desert Sunset * Las Vegas Style Poker * The Gambler * Desert Palace * Black Jack Sets * Bugsy's Hideaway * Paul-Son Clay Poker Chips * Sample Chips * Turf Club * 14 Gram Cowboys & Bullets *
Ultimate Texas Hold'em Poker Chip Sets - New Small Game Chip Sets - Our Infamous Miser Chip Set

, DBA "Old Vegas Chips" in the State of Nevada, is property of Pete & Rizzo. Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use of our pictures, scans, information, or anything else contained within this website is Strictly Prohibited.

Website Designed & Maintained by the Poker Chip and Casino Chip Guy... Pete Rizzo

Our Four Casino Chips and Poker Chips Websites are Hosted by Express Communications. Find out why we have been 100% Satisfied with them for more than Four Years!
Established August 1999